Friday, October 22, 2021

Study Tips, Help with H.W., Managing Anxiety

Class, I'm uploading a few files that I believe can help you with writing, reading, speaking, and presenting throughout the year. It could even help you when you have to present for the Science Fair. Take a look at them by clicking on the links below. Also, there are some Study Skills tips below too, and a number to call for free help with homework. Check it out:

GUIDELINES- Writing, Speaking, Listening

GUIDELINE- The Writing Process

Study Skills

Free Help with Homework

Managing Back-to-School Anxiety

*When studying for Science Tests/Quizzes, it's always good to use a combination of these resources:
- Read and study all your class notes
- Study worksheets given (highlight them too)
- Look at Videos/links on my blog (YouTube helps too)
- Look at the different websites on the Websites and Resources for Science folder on my blog, including (for Fact information)
- Make Flashcards of important Vocabulary terms
- Practice on Quizlet website (Flash cards, Match games)
- Take practice Quizzes (on my blog, under Quizzes folder)
- BrainPop videos + Review Quizzes (and take notes on the videos)
- Read Summary Notes (if given) or Study Guides, including the      Study packet that covers all 3 years of Science
- Practice past 8th Grade Science State Exams (link on my blog)
- Practice on IXL + Khan Academy
- Study Textbook (look at Chapter Tests, Vocabulary words)
- Make a study group with friends (you can test each other on different topics)

Here's a quick video on BrainPop with tips on how to study and prepare for a test --> BrainPop- Test Preparation

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