Sunday, June 16, 2019

Human Body Organ System ANSWERS

Class, here are the main organs and functions for every organ system you studied in class. Review them for your test:

The skin, digestive, respiratory, and urinary systems make up the Excretory system:

Here's a link to Summary Notes on Organ Systems and their functions--> SUMMARY NOTES- Organ Systems and Functions

**To practice for the Test, there are a bunch of Activities to do on the following website, such as Quizzes, Matching Activities, and Fill-ins:

H.W.- Play the following games, and tell me what you think of them:

Virtual Frog Dissection

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Human Body Organ Systems WEBQUEST

Class, use these websites to help you fill out your Webquest packet on the Organ Systems and their functions. You will be tested on all the information you gather, so pay close attention and study your packet once you are done. Your Textbooks can be used as well, starting on page 384.

The Science Spot's Kid Zone- Health & Human Body (InnerBody)

Biology4Kids (Good for organ systems working together!; look on the right side)

KidsHealth (how the Body works) and KidsHealth- Different Organ Systems

Quest Garden (use this site to check out the videos)

All the Organ Systems' Functions

Ducksters (look at the section titled "The Human Body" and look up Organs)

British Broadcasting Company (click on the specific organ systems)

BrainPop (search each specific organ system)

Neok12 (look up specific organ systems under Human Body)

StudyJams Videos (look under the Human Body topic)

SoftSchools- Human Body Facts

ScienceKids (Human Body Facts)

*In addition, you have to research the functions of all the organs/parts of your organ system and explain how this system works together with 1 or 2 other organ systems.


Complete the following Online QUIZ. Write out the Questions and Answers:
KidsHealth- the Brain & Nervous System

**On other days, do the following Quizzes:

Science Quiz Net (choices of Quizzes)

KidsHealth- Heart & Circulatory System

KidsHealth- Lungs & Respiratory System

KidsHealth- Digestive System

OR choose a QUIZ from here --> KidsHealth- QUIZZES

**Here are some Quizlets to practice doing:

Quizlet 1
Quizlet 2
Quizlet 3


Human Body Interactive Games: