Friday, March 10, 2017

Compounding Compounds Webquest

Class, here are 2 websites to help you with today's Webquest on Compounding Compounds:



IXL - 7th Grade Science, D.2 

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Elements vs Compounds, and Atoms too

Class, here is another video that explains the differences between Elements and Compounds. It also talks about molecules. Take a look at it to understand better.

This is the MakeMeGenius video we saw in class on Elements vs Compounds too:


Here is a snapshot from the MakeMeGenius video comparing Elements and Compounds:


This StudyJam videos below also go over Elements vs Compounds & Atoms too:

The diagram below shows that Molecules make up Elements and Compounds:

If you have time, play this game online. You build molecules and learn how they behave when they're solids, liquids, and gases: