Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Answer key for 7th Grade Diagnostic Test

Class, here is the answer key for the 7th grade Diagnostic test you took earlier in the year. As I told you in class, the results are on PupilPath but they WON'T count against you. I put the answer key so you can look at what you got wrong and write in the correct answers. Don't throw these tests away, put them in your science folder. Use it to study and prepare for the 8th grade Science State exam next year. Let me know if you have any questions.

Here is the answer key. You can click on it to make it larger:

Monday, September 22, 2014

Homework assignment over the break

 For classes 721, 722, and 728 only:

Homework- Click the link on Controls and Variables and do questions   1-15. Write the questions and answers in your notebook.
_____________________________________________________     For classes 71A and 71B only:

Homework- Click on Scientific Method Stories and answer all the questions for both stories in your notebook. The questions can be restated in your answers.
*Everyone should write their HW number in their notebooks.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Reading and Writing help

Class, I'm attaching some documents that can help you write your essay that is due on Friday. One is a graphic organizer, which you can see if you click on Organizer for Writing. This is another graphic organizer that's a little more detailed --> Writing Argument Essay structure.

The following sites provide help with specific parts of writing- this one provides Sentence frames to help you get started; and for ideas on what transitions to use, click on Transitional Words and Phrases.

Here is a guideline for writing a paper. It has a lot of tips for writing a paper and I think it will really help you, not just in my class, but in any class that you need to write a paper. Click on Guidelines for Writing a Paper

I also found another website that shows you how to write an effective essay by discussing what goes in each paragraph. Click here on Writing a 5-paragraph essay.

Finally, this site has a lot of links for Words/Writing help, in simple language --> Fact Monster- Words/Writing help

Hope these resources help! Let me know if you have any questions.