Friday, January 29, 2016


For tonight's homework, please do the QUIZ shown here:
Glencoe- Scientific Method QUIZ


Class, your homework over the weekend is to take this QUIZ on States of Matter. Write out all the questions and answers. Click on this link:

QUIZ- States of Matter

Also, don't forget your Science Fair project is due on Monday. Share the Slides with me if you are doing it online (

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Asteroids, Comets, and Meteoroids WEBQUEST

Use these websites to help you fill out the graphic organizer on Asteroids, Comets, and Meteoroids. Write characteristics for each object and draw a picture for each one:

*Take the following QUIZ online afterwards:
Glencoe QUIZ

In addition, take a look at 3 videos from this website about the Solar System and summarize each one in 3-4 sentences. Include the title of each video:

Take a look at this link too --> ESA Kids  
Play the fun activities on this site.

If time permits, study ONE planet in our solar system that interests you.  Write 3 interesting facts about this planet in your notebook, and draw the planet too.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Moon Phases

Class, take this ONLINE QUIZ for H.W. on Earth's Rotation and Revolution. Copy the questions and answers in your notebook. Here is the link:

This picture shows the Moon phases from Earth's view (outside circle) and from Space (inner circle).

This is the correct order of the Moon phases:

Monday, January 4, 2016

Steps of the Scientific Method

The following website gives a summary of the Scientific Method. It's a good one, read up on it. Click on this link ---> The Scientific Method Explained

This is a review of all the steps of the Scientific Method. You can use this information to help you with the Science Fair Project. You can click on the image to see it bigger.

*To make sure you understand the steps of the Scientific Method, take this practice QUIZ: